Saturday, November 14, 2015

Be Brave for Paris

As I sit here and send prayers and thoughts to Paris I realize at the end of the day it's not really helping them. I mean, it's nice n all but really.... Do the people of Paris really feel better knowing I'm praying for them, their families, their country? Do they feel better right now because of it? Does it help the person who just lost their big brother or little sister yesterday? What about the mom who nervously agreed to let her "baby" attend their first heavy metal concert? Or the little boy who saw his parents off on date night? Do my prayers comfort them right now, in such a time of ultimate sorrow, fear and despair? 
What about my tears? The ones blurring my screen right now as I type madly for these answers. My heavy heart, my anxious thoughts, do these help those innocent bystanders, the loved ones of those who just lost? At this point, as I attempt the unimaginable and put myself in their shoes, I am thinking "no". 
I don't think I can expect the people of Paris to appreciate my "thoughts and prayers" no matter how empathetic and sincere they truly are. Perhaps in 6 months when the shock begins wear, when their hearts are able to slow to a regular pulsing beat, when they are able to unlock their doors and step in to a street that feels safe again, or when they feel it might be ok to smile at the sun... Maybe then Paris will feel the energy I'm sending from my heart within my house in the suburbs in a country where at the moment we have every reason to get up, get dressed, walk out our front doors and be grateful for another day on this earth. 
Like the rest of the world, I can't help but want to send my love and prayers to those suffering in Paris. But the mother in me has the need to want to "fix" and take away their hurt and suffering right now
So here is what we are going to do: we are going to look this Fear we're feeling straight in the motha f'kin face and pummel it, stomp on it, light it on fire and let it go. Let those who instil this type of Fear and Hate know they can't break our hearts, they can't scare us into our homes and out of our prayers. Let's unlock and step out our front doors this morning, vow to walk our streets united with heads held high, and be grateful for another day with each other. Send those smoke signals of strength and love, be strong for Paris right now. Come out and defend. That is how we can all help. Right. Now. #prayforparis #peaceforparis

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

De-friending Gluten

Ok, so it’s been a while. What can I say, it’s been a busy year? The Wee One is almost 14 months and he is still rocking our world, filling our hearts with love, laughter and squishy little kisses. We are in love.
Things are great, WO is healthy, happy, he has all of his fingers and toes, life is good. However, last week I took him for some allergy testing. Since he’s been eating solids there has always been something in the back of my mind that nagged a little bit. He’s always been a great eater but little things like skin rashes or a super stuffy nose or the odd little out burst while eating would make me wonder. He was a gassy baby but since I put him on milk a few weeks ago he’s been really gassy. There’s nothing like giving your WO his bedtime bottle and having him lean to one side to let one fly (awww, just like his Daddy - ha!) He’s not in any great discomfort so it’s ok to giggle.
So, I took him to a Naturopath where she performed the Meridian Stress Assessment (MSA) on him. This process involves "measuring electrical conductivity at responsive points on the skin (hands and feet). These measurements are recorded to help provide a profile of a patient’s present condition." Overall, this system “provides a completely non-invasive [(no needles!)] method for gaining information about the body’s vital functions. The primary objective of this procedure is to disclose patterns of stress and to provide feedback for use in a program to help restore each system and meridian to an appropriate balance.” Ahhh, the magic word balance.
I was hoping this test would offer some guidance to any potential allergies or sensitivities... and it did. Not only did it tell us WO has a bacteria imbalance but it also revealed stress in his small intestine in 2 places, AND that he does in fact have some food sensitivities. Hmmm, looks like my Mother’s Intuition was spot on (I’ll pat myself on the back for that one, thank you). 
The next step was using the MSA to divulge exactly which foods WO is sensitive to. Turns out WO has a sensitivity to gluten (ARGH, damn you gluten!) among a handful of other foods. It should not be a huge surprise to us as we have recently just discovered DH also has a gluten sensitivity at which degree we are not sure of. As well, WO Aunt has Celiac – a much more complicated form of gluten intolerance which I am not educated enough to explain properly, so I will leave that up to you to look in to if you wish. 
Bread, Pasta, Various Grains, Soy Sauce, A-Million-Different-Things-With-Gluten-In-Disguise.... Straight-up Birthday Cake is now off limits (technically) for our little guy... sigh...
So here we are, here I am. We are going to investigate a little further (ie. second opinion) to see what degree WO is sensitive. We don’t want to react without being informed first. But I’m getting ready to try on my new chef hat, in the name of love and good, glorious food and health.

Enjoying this new journey... S

Monday, March 25, 2013


If there’s one thing I’ve become very aware of, it’s that most of the fruits and vegetables we eat are covered in pesticides. Did you know that?
Pesticides are used on everything from our tomatoes to lettuces to apples and peaches and grains too. They are used to control the amount of weeds that grow and help control insects from damaging the crops. However, these same pesticides do affect our health and well-being. Pesticides are linked to everything from cancer and obesity, to hormone health (think fertility ladies!!) and brain development... and more! (
We try to be so good to our bodies, fill it with real, natural, whole foods yet because of pesticide use we actually end up compromising our health.
What is the point in eating bowlfuls of fruit or filling our plate sides with brightly coloured veggies if it’s all running rampant with chemicals that are physically harming us and our children?
No doubt eating organic can be very expensive. That is why I follow a list published by the Environmental Working Group: the Dirty Dozen. Instead of buying everything organic which could potentially double my grocery bill, I refer to the DD list. The DD list lists types of produce in descending order from highest pesticide use to lesser so (but still sure to contain pesticides!).  Here it is:

The Dirty Dozen (in descending order from worst to still pretty bad)
1. Peach
2. Apple
3. Sweet Bell Pepper
4. Celery
5. Nectarine
6. Strawberries
7. Cherries
8. Kale
9. Lettuce
11. Carrot
12. Pear

Personally, I tend to also include most fruits or veggies where I eat the skin. That said, I rarely buy bananas or avocados organic since it has a thick skin that I do not eat anyways. It does not necessarily mean they are free from pesticides but it's where I choose to draw the line for now. For more information, go to

Know what you and your family are eating. Educate yourself and others. Make some changes.
Enjoy the journey... S

Friday, November 30, 2012

An Apology to My Fur Baby

It occurred to me, while I was doing the dishes tonight, that there is absolutely no way in preparing your family pooch for a new addition to the family. There are lots of kids books written to get soon-to-be older brother and sisters used to the idea, excited at the notion that they will be a role model to someone younger than them. I even read articles before my son was born where dog owners had trained their pooches to alert them when their little one needed a diaper change! That sounded kind of fun!
Sure we had people suggest the typical stuff you hear: before mom and babe come home, have dad bring a blanket or the hat off the babe so they can get used to the scent. Others would just say how they were amazed how quickly their furry baby moved to the bottom of the totem pole as soon as their little one arrived.
I was not concerned in the least about losing touch with my pup. In fact, I thought it was practically neglectful to lower her rank in the family. But I was wrong - and it wasn’t until tonight while I was cleaning, she caught my eye as she lay curled up on the couch, monitoring my every move from afar, quietly sulking, sighing, waiting for me to show an ounce of interest. It broke my heart.
You can’t prepare your pup the way you can a young child. To them, one day you are their bestest friend, the next day you, being their main strolling companion and meal preparer, go rushing from the house in a panic, disappear for a few days, and return, with your arms full. And your arms remain full until finally, may it be 4 and a half months later, you look up as you’re doing your dishes and catch her puppy dog eyes in what feels like forever... 
For the first time in 4 and a half months I got down on the kitchen floor and snuggled and kissed and smelled my pooch. And I talked to her and I made some vows to her. I vowed to stop and pet her more first and foremost. I vowed to be more patient and forgiving to her and her beaver-like thumping tail. I vowed that one day the 3 of us would be a team, hiking daily for hours along the hydro trails (a girl can dream!). That I would work up to the Super Mom status – you know, be Young Mom you always see while driving, power walking up the hills dressed with her power walking jacket, hat, gloves, sunglasses, pushing her enthusiastic tike in his giant chariot stroller, while her giant fur baby walks proudly beside her.
But I also asked for her forgiveness, and a little bit more time to get my shit together. And because she is so loving, so patient and loyal, I know she will forgive easily – as long as I remember to stop and snuggle her every now and then. Because if I don’t, she has made it very clear, she has no problem helping herself to my shoe collection.

Enjoy the journey, and the walks... S

Monday, November 5, 2012

Frogs & Snails & Puppy-dogs' Tails

Where do I even begin? I have put this blog post off for so long because SO much time had passed that the whole idea of writing something, reconnecting, seemed quite overwhelming to say the least. But I have to start somewhere, it’s time to get back on track... so here I am.
Hello... how have you been? Me, how am I, you ask? After I left you hanging with the announcement of my pregnancy, and then nothing?!?! (I’m so sorry!) I am fine thank you. Actually, I am more than fine. I am over the freaking moon.
In July, I gave birth to our baby boy and our lives have not been the same since. Husband and I have fallen in love all over again with this new little person. But it’s a deeper kind of love that I never would have expected. It’s this from-the-deepest-part-of-my-soul-my-being love.
And can we please talk about the fact that we had a BOY?!?! I was half convinced we were having a girl because, well, I'm a girl! (makes sense, no?) AND according to my girlfriend and a tried and true "wives tale" – all of the hair on my body had stopped growing, literally, my freakishly hairy arms were bare and the gorgeous "pregnant hair" I was anticipating just sat stunted on top of my head – this my friends meant I was having a girl! 
But since my Son's Birth Day I have been consumed with nothing but thoughts and dreams of jumping in puddles, Blue Jays baseball, hockey leagues and basically all things blue (yes, I know that's not necessarily only "boy stuff" but right now, for me, it is). Seriously! And I absolutely love it. This is a surprise to me only because I’m quite girly - but from the first day I jumped on the band wagon and have not looked back. Ugh, pink schmink!
So I guess this is my re-introduction. Here we are, at three and a half months of age. Son is napping peacefully and I’m ready to get back on board with what I love... What better time than now to just Stop? Breathe. Take it all in. 
If I could freeze a moment in time it would be the feeling of my Son breathing, sleeping, cooing in the nape of my neck. To me, this is Life, this is my oxygen, my being now and forever. And you? What makes you want to stop the hands of time, to appreciate Love and Life?

Enjoy the journey... S

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

I'm here for good

So here’s the thing… I’m not someone who just decides one day that she’s going to write a blog, posts some entries, then gets too busy with “life” and forgets about her commitment, her Big Idea. No, no, very much on the contrary. I have been thinking about this very post for approximately 11 weeks now. I’ve been dreaming about this moment – because it would only be too good to be true and because it seemed like such an impossibility at the time… and I could finally explain my absence from the cyber world.

If I remember correctly, the last time I wrote I was well on my way of starting my first 5-day juicing cleanse – and I could NOT wait to tell everyone about my results. I was SUPER excited to be doing something so detoxifying and just for me, hoping to rid my body of any nasties I’d accumulated over my 32 years! (Yes, I realize it would take more than one round of juicing to accomplish that!) But as Life would have it, It had other plans for me… and my husband…

It’s no secret in my close circle of family and friends that Husband and I have been trying to start a family of our own for over a year. In fact, the cleanse was intended to be the “kick-off” to a healthy round of baby-making fun. I’d already worked up to 4 solid days a week of following a vegan diet, something that rewarded me with astounding results of health, vitality, and all round well-being (more on that in another post!).

We’d had our first miscarriage almost a year ago, we mourned, I healed physically – I’m not sure you really ever get over something like that. I’d had my surgeries (I’ll spare you and myself), I’d finally finished up my follow-up appointments, things were healing, Mother Nature was slowly getting back on track, and my uterus was finally anything but “hostile.”

As luck would have it (as well as having wonderfully devoted fertility doctor monitoring my every move) Husband and I conceived on our very first attempt back “in action.” Needless to say we were not expecting this to happen. I don’t think I ever expected it – hence my planning a juice cleanse right around this delicate timing in my calendar.

It’s interesting: I’d had no way of knowing if I was pregnant or not but as I filled my fridge with bottles of freshly juiced fruit and vegetables something inside was telling me not to go through with the juice cleanse just yet – to not to essentially starve myself (well really “you know who”) until we were sure. So we waited, and I drank the juice as snacks throughout the following days… and it was about 7 days later where a blood test at the doctor’s office confirmed what I’d dared myself to believe for a secret moment in time, while filling my fridge with those bottles of freshly juiced fruit and vegetables. We were in fact pregnant. (sshhhhhhhhh!)

Enjoy the journey... S

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The seasons are a-changin'

Wow, how quickly the seasons change. I still feel like summer is just around the bend yet we've quickly entered November where snow can hit pretty much any time now... I even bought sand for our driveway today to have on hand just in case - yikes!

As seasons change so does the energy and health of our bodies. It's a good time to reflect on ourselves – our physical health as well as mental. Seasonally we should go through our individual health and well being check-list to make sure we're still feeling connected and good inside and out.

Some things to consider when doing so: do your batteries need recharging, have you been working too hard and missing too many yoga classes (yes!)? Do you need to do some serious (mental) dusting, do you need help carrying out any (emotional) trash to make room for storing warm and positive energy? What about your diet? Have some of your vices crept their way back in to your daily routine without you even noticing (Hello dessert-with-breakfast-lunch-and-dinner! Where's just-one-drag-oh-hell-I'll-have-the-whole-thing)?

I've just come off of 3 really gruelling weeks at work. Yoga is but a distant memory, my diet has turned into one big comforting over sized (carbohydrate) sweatshirt, and I'm feeling a bit at a crossroads with my professional life... Things rustling inside me, I feel uneasy and the need to clear some space, re-evaluate and take control of my life, my sanity.

One way I've decided to do this is by doing my very first juice cleanse! I've always wanted to do one but I've always been so turned off by all the prep work it entails, not to mention I'd have to invest in a juicer I'm not even sure I'd ever use again. The cleaning, the buying, the expense – and all while you're slightly on edge because you haven't eaten any dang food for 3 or 5 or 7 days. It just seemed so un-fun and unhappy. Boo.

However the other day I was doing some research and I fell upon this gem of a company in Toronto that actually prepares and delivers your juice cleanse system right to your door! The company name is Total Cleanse ( and it seems to be my dream come true.

They have a few varying cleanses depending on your experience and magnitude you want to cleanse. Once you choose your cleanse and send in your order they in turn deliver your days worth of juice, all numbered in the order you drink them, right to your front door. No shopping, cleaning, chopping, cleaning, chopping, and more shopping....

I put in my order last night. I'm going to "Revitalize" for 3 days starting Monday (kind of like "fertilize", no?!) And then I plan to return to my yoga classes, maybe give my sister a call to let her know I'm still alive, and reconnect with my Besties. I'll let you know how things turn out...

Enjoy the journey... S

PS. You should always notify your doctor before you start any kind of cleansing system. I am not a doctor or a health professional – everything you read on this site is purely opinion and interest-related.