Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The seasons are a-changin'

Wow, how quickly the seasons change. I still feel like summer is just around the bend yet we've quickly entered November where snow can hit pretty much any time now... I even bought sand for our driveway today to have on hand just in case - yikes!

As seasons change so does the energy and health of our bodies. It's a good time to reflect on ourselves – our physical health as well as mental. Seasonally we should go through our individual health and well being check-list to make sure we're still feeling connected and good inside and out.

Some things to consider when doing so: do your batteries need recharging, have you been working too hard and missing too many yoga classes (yes!)? Do you need to do some serious (mental) dusting, do you need help carrying out any (emotional) trash to make room for storing warm and positive energy? What about your diet? Have some of your vices crept their way back in to your daily routine without you even noticing (Hello dessert-with-breakfast-lunch-and-dinner! Where's just-one-drag-oh-hell-I'll-have-the-whole-thing)?

I've just come off of 3 really gruelling weeks at work. Yoga is but a distant memory, my diet has turned into one big comforting over sized (carbohydrate) sweatshirt, and I'm feeling a bit at a crossroads with my professional life... Things rustling inside me, I feel uneasy and the need to clear some space, re-evaluate and take control of my life, my sanity.

One way I've decided to do this is by doing my very first juice cleanse! I've always wanted to do one but I've always been so turned off by all the prep work it entails, not to mention I'd have to invest in a juicer I'm not even sure I'd ever use again. The cleaning, the buying, the expense – and all while you're slightly on edge because you haven't eaten any dang food for 3 or 5 or 7 days. It just seemed so un-fun and unhappy. Boo.

However the other day I was doing some research and I fell upon this gem of a company in Toronto that actually prepares and delivers your juice cleanse system right to your door! The company name is Total Cleanse (totalcleanse.ca) and it seems to be my dream come true.

They have a few varying cleanses depending on your experience and magnitude you want to cleanse. Once you choose your cleanse and send in your order they in turn deliver your days worth of juice, all numbered in the order you drink them, right to your front door. No shopping, cleaning, chopping, cleaning, chopping, and more shopping....

I put in my order last night. I'm going to "Revitalize" for 3 days starting Monday (kind of like "fertilize", no?!) And then I plan to return to my yoga classes, maybe give my sister a call to let her know I'm still alive, and reconnect with my Besties. I'll let you know how things turn out...

Enjoy the journey... S

PS. You should always notify your doctor before you start any kind of cleansing system. I am not a doctor or a health professional – everything you read on this site is purely opinion and interest-related.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Thank you Summer

There has been a lot of nostalgia for me this summer. In fact, every summer brings back old memories of good times with family and friends. Whether it's up at the cottage with my siblings, having a drink on the dock with friends, or strolling the streets of Toronto after dinner time, the sun still not having gone down for the day, the buzz of summer stays with me all year long and I feel free the minute hot sun hits my pale face (sunglasses please!)

The summertime has always brought so much comfort and good times my way. As signs of winter melt away and we eagerly shed our heavy coats, polish our toes, and wait for the first of the spring crocuses to break ground.

I’m not going to lie. I’ve had a heck of a year. In fact my spring was such a downer personally, that I was longing for the thick hazy heat of summer to wash away a really mucky few months that my husband and I had just passed through.

By March I was wishing the time away – looking beyond the crocuses this time. I wanted to fast forward to the cloud bursts brought on by the heat waves of summer. If I could just get past the first few April showers and quickly mow through the freshly grown green grass I could jump safely into summer time and give myself and my heart a real break. 

Summer has always been good to my family and I. I’ve spent countless days and weeks at the cottage where lounging on the dock was considered a “water-sport”. Camping with the cousins, boat rides in the SeaRay, trips to the General Store, Fire Hall Fundraisers, jumping contests off the end of the dock, cocktail hour, naps in the shade, “melty” ice cream, Noxzema, tube rides, mud pies in the shallow end, celeb magazines, V.C. Andrews, suntan lotion, Sun-In, dill pickle chips – to me this is what summer is all about, forever and always.

But of course there’s one thing I’m missing which was also very much a part of my summers past. The CNE (Canadian National Exhibition) of course!! Having pulled myself out of a dark spot this year I suddenly got the urge to hit the Ex for the first time in almost, well…15 years…?

Talk about feeling like a kid again! It only seemed fitting that I drag along my best friend since grade school. Actually she was totally gung-ho – just as much about the food and rides and I was, which is why we make such a great pair at times. First deep-fried Mars bar dinner followed by Tiny Tom’s for dessert then off we went to scope out the rides. We went for the (safe) Classics: the Ferris Wheel and then the swings that spin around and around and around...

It was exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time. I was really disappointed to see my nerve had pretty much disappeared since the last time we were here years ago. While a mother and son in front of us chatted away and took pictures on their 'round about trip, BFF and I had our eyes pinched shut with our sweaty little hands grasping the bar that lay across us. With each swing of the seat we felt our hearts jump out of our chest. Oh but it was hilarious. And fun. And ridiculous that we were being so ridiculous. And we laughed, between our screams, and then I laughed in such a way that I realized at that moment in time I really hadn’t done so in months. And it felt great.

And this is why I love summer so…

Enjoy the journey (and being a kid again)… S

Monday, August 15, 2011

Lunch Meat Gone Bad: Nitrates

There’s been a lot of BAD hype the last couple of years about “nitrates” in our food, specifically sodium nitrate. I’m not sure if it’s because there’s been an influx of pregnant friends in my life (lunch meat is a big no-no apparently!), or if it’s because of the massive recall of various Maple Leaf Foods processed meat products (due to listeria 2 years ago), or if I’m just paying more attention to what I’m eating. But sandwich meat and the like is being exposed for what it really is: bad bad stuff for you, your health and well-being.

Sodium nitrate is used to preserve and cure processed meats such as ham, sausage, salami, hot dogs, bacon, and some smoked and cured fish. It’s also used in meat as a means to prevent botulism and to give it that pink colour we find so appetizing and associate easily with “fresh” and “good for you” quality.

However sodium nitrate is nowhere near good for you and here’s why:

  • first, these processed meats are usually high in salt and fat which endangers your cardiovascular system 
  • the second health hazard is found with the “direct carcinogenic effect of nitrosamines, which are formed when nitrate interacts with amines (parts of proteins) in [your] digestive fluids or [your] foods eaten. Nitrosamines have been shown to be potent carcinogens in animals, producing increased amounts of cancer in the liver, lungs, and pancreas…” (Haas and Levin, 469) In other words, it causes various types of cancer 
  • third, sodium nitrite is known to trigger migraine headaches, brain tumours and a form of lung disease, COPD (Common Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) 

So why are producers of these meats still allowed to use sodium nitrate in the food we consume? The very basic answer to this it that meat-processing is a billion dollar industry and manufacturers claim there is no good substitute for these nitrates and nitrites. And that's that...

But it doesn't mean this is out of your hands. The best possible thing you can do for yourself is choose to not eat these processed foods. If you’re looking for a healthier alternative your best bet would be organic chicken and tuna.

Life without bacon, can you do it? Let me know :)

Enjoy the journey... S

Haas, Elson M., MD and Buck Levin, PhD, RD. Staying Healthy With Nutrition – The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine. New York: Random House Inc., 2006.

Monday, August 8, 2011

"Honey, we're going vegan!"

Those were the exact words straight from my husbands mouth not 2 weeks ago as he walked in our front door! My same husband who would be happy to eat a steak on Monday, burgers on Tuesday, followed up with Wing Wednesday, spicy chili on Thursday... Don't even get me started on the weekend BBQ-fests

Honestly, I couldn't believe my ears. To this day I wish I'd had a tape recorder, or even taken a photo! Something to commemorate this grand announcement. Where did such an exclamation come from you ask, and how on Earth would anyone be able to convert (and convince) such a "caveman" as my husband?

I'll tell you. 2 words: Bill. Clinton.

Watch: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqvjCIKoo8M

There's a lot of really great information out there these days, challenging us to look at the way and what we eat in an effort to save our health, our animals, our planet. But I absolutely LOVE that my husband was sold – immediately – on these few minutes of Bill talking... he really is a sweet talker (Monica didn't have a chance!)

In case you're wondering we have not gone totally vegan... instead we've decided to go vegan 4 days a week – Monday to Thursday. Which is still a lot if you knew my husband... and though it may seem like a spec in our grand carbon footprint, imagine if 2 or 200 or 2000 people decided to make that same small change. The "spec" doesn't seem so small now does it...

Whatever you decide to do, big or small, you can make things happen... but you have to do it.

Enjoy the journey... S

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

A few of my favourite things

I hope you had a wonderful looooong Civic Holiday weekend. I know I did. It was complete with some serious cottage time with my Love and my folks up in beautiful Georgian Bay. Just the four of us amongst the Georgian rocks, water, wind and trees. The loons were singing their own songs of summer throughout the nights too. I really don't remember the last time I heard them sing so loud – it was really quite magical. In fact there were a few really great things I did over the weekend that allowed me to unwind and get back to "my roots":
  • paddled my way through the shallow rocky waters with my brand new SUP (stand-up paddle) board... talk about peaceful and adventurous. There's something about going in to parts of the waters where normal boat traffic just can't get to – along with the hot sun and wind at your back...
  • picked wild blueberries with the help of our furry family members – that is something I hadn't stopped to do in years. I felt like a kid all over again – blueberry juice on my bathing suit, fingers and toes
  • read my book... finally... the one that's been sitting on my bedside table all summer. Bossypants by Tina Fey. If you want to laugh and be put in a genuine good mood read this book. She is freaking hilarious... and smart... and pretty... and real... did I say hilarious??
  • enjoyed a really great margarita with my mother – organic even! It was dee-lish, salted rim and all

What kind of wonderfulness did you enjoy this past weekend? Dust off any memories? Create new ones?

Enjoy the journey... S

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Just a spoonful of… lemon juice!

I think my favourite and most productive days are when I've gone to bed early the night before and had a really great sleep. Unfortunately this doesn't happen as much as I'd like. More often than not I hit my pillow a good hour after I planned. When it's time to get up in the morning my alarm clock blares an oldie but goody at what feels like the crack of dawn, or the birds outside my window don't sound quite as pretty as I remember... I drag myself into the bathroom, eyes still half shut. I know I am not the only one who feels like this in the mornings. In fact, an American study reveals that over one-third of us don't get enough nightly z's (US News World Report).

I'll save the benefits of sleep for another time. I'm here to tell you not all is lost if you do find yourself waking up on the wrong side of the bed... We can still get our day off to a great start – through nutrition. More specifically, with a mug of hot water and fresh lemon juice. The benefits to you, your system and vitality, doing this first thing every morning are astounding. See for yourself:
  • First things first, lemon cleanses and detoxifies your liver and kidneys, thus flushes toxins out of your body. This also means your skin will start to glow as a result (ladies!)
  • Lemons help alkalize your blood – too much acid in your system wears on it over time
  • Lemon juice has calcium, magnesium and potassium
  • Lemon water helps relieve heartburn, bloating and other digestion problems (guys!)
  • Lemons are high in vitamin C, which we all know is good for gums, bones, and overall health
Organic lemons are best since they don't contain pesticides that would leach in to your morning detox regimen. Lastly, I usually add a tap of cayenne in with my lemon water, just for that extra kick-start and ziiing!

Enjoy the journey... S

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This is it!

My first official post... it's been a long time coming but I've finally (FINALLY!) decided to do something for myself. It's been something I've been thinking about and putting off for a very long time... years it feels like. By day I'm a graphic designer in the "crazy" world of advertising. These days however, in my forever quest to find happiness and balance, I am not so "crazy".
You see I used to work in Toronto. I've been lucky enough to work at 2 of the most prestigious (for their time ;) ) advertising companies in Canada. But with that came a lot of stress (too much), a lot of late nights (too many)... and for what....? NOT money! NOT promotions! For the sake of working in a really cool place, with really cool and crazy-talented people, but zero (zero!) respect and life... and raises dare I say. I was not a happy camper. 
By my second "gig" I was living in Burlington and commuting every single morning on our lame excuse for a commuter train, in and out of the city. In the winter, if I remembered to look up I might see the CN Tower, however most days I'd just see the inside of the office, the train, my car, my bedroom, and then do it all over again the next day (did you notice my husband went unmentioned there?!).
I remember the days I'd be sitting at my computer, busting my hump to get a job out or appeasing another ridiculous client request, and all of a sudden my mind would just wander away and start day dreaming. Of what?! Of another day job. No joke, I used to dream about working at Lululemon all the time. You know what I mean. Who does not feel totally zen and amazing the second they walk in to one of those stores... or maybe it's after... when I've made the big pretty purchase that's going to make me healthy and thin.
Or what about Crate & Barrel? I'd imagine being there too – selling all the big comfy couches, throwing swatches of leather and textiles all around, swishing trays of champagne glasses, fluffing graphic pillows, and the DISCOUNTS! K, I'm lost....
The point is I was always wishing I was somewhere else other than focusing on the present moment – the here and now. I was wishing away my young life for fear of taking a chance of any kind. I was being miserable to my husband, I was numbing the "pain" with (yummy) cocktails and I was corking my mouth with food in effort to shut up the voices in my head that knew I could do better than this... 
So here we are today – a new plan, a new journey for a shiny happy soul. S