Wow, how quickly the seasons change. I still feel like summer is just around the bend yet we've quickly entered November where snow can hit pretty much any time now... I even bought sand for our driveway today to have on hand just in case - yikes!
As seasons change so does the energy and health of our bodies. It's a good time to reflect on ourselves – our physical health as well as mental. Seasonally we should go through our individual health and well being check-list to make sure we're still feeling connected and good inside and out.
Some things to consider when doing so: do your batteries need recharging, have you been working too hard and missing too many yoga classes (yes!)? Do you need to do some serious (mental) dusting, do you need help carrying out any (emotional) trash to make room for storing warm and positive energy? What about your diet? Have some of your vices crept their way back in to your daily routine without you even noticing (Hello dessert-with-breakfast-lunch-and-dinner! Where's just-one-drag-oh-hell-I'll-have-the-whole-thing)?
I've just come off of 3 really gruelling weeks at work. Yoga is but a distant memory, my diet has turned into one big comforting over sized (carbohydrate) sweatshirt, and I'm feeling a bit at a crossroads with my professional life... Things rustling inside me, I feel uneasy and the need to clear some space, re-evaluate and take control of my life, my sanity.
One way I've decided to do this is by doing my very first juice cleanse! I've always wanted to do one but I've always been so turned off by all the prep work it entails, not to mention I'd have to invest in a juicer I'm not even sure I'd ever use again. The cleaning, the buying, the expense – and all while you're slightly on edge because you haven't eaten any dang food for 3 or 5 or 7 days. It just seemed so un-fun and unhappy. Boo.
However the other day I was doing some research and I fell upon this gem of a company in Toronto that actually prepares and delivers your juice cleanse system right to your door! The company name is Total Cleanse ( and it seems to be my dream come true.
They have a few varying cleanses depending on your experience and magnitude you want to cleanse. Once you choose your cleanse and send in your order they in turn deliver your days worth of juice, all numbered in the order you drink them, right to your front door. No shopping, cleaning, chopping, cleaning, chopping, and more shopping....
I put in my order last night. I'm going to "Revitalize" for 3 days starting Monday (kind of like "fertilize", no?!) And then I plan to return to my yoga classes, maybe give my sister a call to let her know I'm still alive, and reconnect with my Besties. I'll let you know how things turn out...
Enjoy the journey... S
PS. You should always notify your doctor before you start any kind of cleansing system. I am not a doctor or a health professional – everything you read on this site is purely opinion and interest-related.
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