Friday, November 30, 2012

An Apology to My Fur Baby

It occurred to me, while I was doing the dishes tonight, that there is absolutely no way in preparing your family pooch for a new addition to the family. There are lots of kids books written to get soon-to-be older brother and sisters used to the idea, excited at the notion that they will be a role model to someone younger than them. I even read articles before my son was born where dog owners had trained their pooches to alert them when their little one needed a diaper change! That sounded kind of fun!
Sure we had people suggest the typical stuff you hear: before mom and babe come home, have dad bring a blanket or the hat off the babe so they can get used to the scent. Others would just say how they were amazed how quickly their furry baby moved to the bottom of the totem pole as soon as their little one arrived.
I was not concerned in the least about losing touch with my pup. In fact, I thought it was practically neglectful to lower her rank in the family. But I was wrong - and it wasn’t until tonight while I was cleaning, she caught my eye as she lay curled up on the couch, monitoring my every move from afar, quietly sulking, sighing, waiting for me to show an ounce of interest. It broke my heart.
You can’t prepare your pup the way you can a young child. To them, one day you are their bestest friend, the next day you, being their main strolling companion and meal preparer, go rushing from the house in a panic, disappear for a few days, and return, with your arms full. And your arms remain full until finally, may it be 4 and a half months later, you look up as you’re doing your dishes and catch her puppy dog eyes in what feels like forever... 
For the first time in 4 and a half months I got down on the kitchen floor and snuggled and kissed and smelled my pooch. And I talked to her and I made some vows to her. I vowed to stop and pet her more first and foremost. I vowed to be more patient and forgiving to her and her beaver-like thumping tail. I vowed that one day the 3 of us would be a team, hiking daily for hours along the hydro trails (a girl can dream!). That I would work up to the Super Mom status – you know, be Young Mom you always see while driving, power walking up the hills dressed with her power walking jacket, hat, gloves, sunglasses, pushing her enthusiastic tike in his giant chariot stroller, while her giant fur baby walks proudly beside her.
But I also asked for her forgiveness, and a little bit more time to get my shit together. And because she is so loving, so patient and loyal, I know she will forgive easily – as long as I remember to stop and snuggle her every now and then. Because if I don’t, she has made it very clear, she has no problem helping herself to my shoe collection.

Enjoy the journey, and the walks... S

Monday, November 5, 2012

Frogs & Snails & Puppy-dogs' Tails

Where do I even begin? I have put this blog post off for so long because SO much time had passed that the whole idea of writing something, reconnecting, seemed quite overwhelming to say the least. But I have to start somewhere, it’s time to get back on track... so here I am.
Hello... how have you been? Me, how am I, you ask? After I left you hanging with the announcement of my pregnancy, and then nothing?!?! (I’m so sorry!) I am fine thank you. Actually, I am more than fine. I am over the freaking moon.
In July, I gave birth to our baby boy and our lives have not been the same since. Husband and I have fallen in love all over again with this new little person. But it’s a deeper kind of love that I never would have expected. It’s this from-the-deepest-part-of-my-soul-my-being love.
And can we please talk about the fact that we had a BOY?!?! I was half convinced we were having a girl because, well, I'm a girl! (makes sense, no?) AND according to my girlfriend and a tried and true "wives tale" – all of the hair on my body had stopped growing, literally, my freakishly hairy arms were bare and the gorgeous "pregnant hair" I was anticipating just sat stunted on top of my head – this my friends meant I was having a girl! 
But since my Son's Birth Day I have been consumed with nothing but thoughts and dreams of jumping in puddles, Blue Jays baseball, hockey leagues and basically all things blue (yes, I know that's not necessarily only "boy stuff" but right now, for me, it is). Seriously! And I absolutely love it. This is a surprise to me only because I’m quite girly - but from the first day I jumped on the band wagon and have not looked back. Ugh, pink schmink!
So I guess this is my re-introduction. Here we are, at three and a half months of age. Son is napping peacefully and I’m ready to get back on board with what I love... What better time than now to just Stop? Breathe. Take it all in. 
If I could freeze a moment in time it would be the feeling of my Son breathing, sleeping, cooing in the nape of my neck. To me, this is Life, this is my oxygen, my being now and forever. And you? What makes you want to stop the hands of time, to appreciate Love and Life?

Enjoy the journey... S