Thursday, July 28, 2011

Just a spoonful of… lemon juice!

I think my favourite and most productive days are when I've gone to bed early the night before and had a really great sleep. Unfortunately this doesn't happen as much as I'd like. More often than not I hit my pillow a good hour after I planned. When it's time to get up in the morning my alarm clock blares an oldie but goody at what feels like the crack of dawn, or the birds outside my window don't sound quite as pretty as I remember... I drag myself into the bathroom, eyes still half shut. I know I am not the only one who feels like this in the mornings. In fact, an American study reveals that over one-third of us don't get enough nightly z's (US News World Report).

I'll save the benefits of sleep for another time. I'm here to tell you not all is lost if you do find yourself waking up on the wrong side of the bed... We can still get our day off to a great start – through nutrition. More specifically, with a mug of hot water and fresh lemon juice. The benefits to you, your system and vitality, doing this first thing every morning are astounding. See for yourself:
  • First things first, lemon cleanses and detoxifies your liver and kidneys, thus flushes toxins out of your body. This also means your skin will start to glow as a result (ladies!)
  • Lemons help alkalize your blood – too much acid in your system wears on it over time
  • Lemon juice has calcium, magnesium and potassium
  • Lemon water helps relieve heartburn, bloating and other digestion problems (guys!)
  • Lemons are high in vitamin C, which we all know is good for gums, bones, and overall health
Organic lemons are best since they don't contain pesticides that would leach in to your morning detox regimen. Lastly, I usually add a tap of cayenne in with my lemon water, just for that extra kick-start and ziiing!

Enjoy the journey... S

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This is it!

My first official post... it's been a long time coming but I've finally (FINALLY!) decided to do something for myself. It's been something I've been thinking about and putting off for a very long time... years it feels like. By day I'm a graphic designer in the "crazy" world of advertising. These days however, in my forever quest to find happiness and balance, I am not so "crazy".
You see I used to work in Toronto. I've been lucky enough to work at 2 of the most prestigious (for their time ;) ) advertising companies in Canada. But with that came a lot of stress (too much), a lot of late nights (too many)... and for what....? NOT money! NOT promotions! For the sake of working in a really cool place, with really cool and crazy-talented people, but zero (zero!) respect and life... and raises dare I say. I was not a happy camper. 
By my second "gig" I was living in Burlington and commuting every single morning on our lame excuse for a commuter train, in and out of the city. In the winter, if I remembered to look up I might see the CN Tower, however most days I'd just see the inside of the office, the train, my car, my bedroom, and then do it all over again the next day (did you notice my husband went unmentioned there?!).
I remember the days I'd be sitting at my computer, busting my hump to get a job out or appeasing another ridiculous client request, and all of a sudden my mind would just wander away and start day dreaming. Of what?! Of another day job. No joke, I used to dream about working at Lululemon all the time. You know what I mean. Who does not feel totally zen and amazing the second they walk in to one of those stores... or maybe it's after... when I've made the big pretty purchase that's going to make me healthy and thin.
Or what about Crate & Barrel? I'd imagine being there too – selling all the big comfy couches, throwing swatches of leather and textiles all around, swishing trays of champagne glasses, fluffing graphic pillows, and the DISCOUNTS! K, I'm lost....
The point is I was always wishing I was somewhere else other than focusing on the present moment – the here and now. I was wishing away my young life for fear of taking a chance of any kind. I was being miserable to my husband, I was numbing the "pain" with (yummy) cocktails and I was corking my mouth with food in effort to shut up the voices in my head that knew I could do better than this... 
So here we are today – a new plan, a new journey for a shiny happy soul. S