Saturday, November 14, 2015

Be Brave for Paris

As I sit here and send prayers and thoughts to Paris I realize at the end of the day it's not really helping them. I mean, it's nice n all but really.... Do the people of Paris really feel better knowing I'm praying for them, their families, their country? Do they feel better right now because of it? Does it help the person who just lost their big brother or little sister yesterday? What about the mom who nervously agreed to let her "baby" attend their first heavy metal concert? Or the little boy who saw his parents off on date night? Do my prayers comfort them right now, in such a time of ultimate sorrow, fear and despair? 
What about my tears? The ones blurring my screen right now as I type madly for these answers. My heavy heart, my anxious thoughts, do these help those innocent bystanders, the loved ones of those who just lost? At this point, as I attempt the unimaginable and put myself in their shoes, I am thinking "no". 
I don't think I can expect the people of Paris to appreciate my "thoughts and prayers" no matter how empathetic and sincere they truly are. Perhaps in 6 months when the shock begins wear, when their hearts are able to slow to a regular pulsing beat, when they are able to unlock their doors and step in to a street that feels safe again, or when they feel it might be ok to smile at the sun... Maybe then Paris will feel the energy I'm sending from my heart within my house in the suburbs in a country where at the moment we have every reason to get up, get dressed, walk out our front doors and be grateful for another day on this earth. 
Like the rest of the world, I can't help but want to send my love and prayers to those suffering in Paris. But the mother in me has the need to want to "fix" and take away their hurt and suffering right now
So here is what we are going to do: we are going to look this Fear we're feeling straight in the motha f'kin face and pummel it, stomp on it, light it on fire and let it go. Let those who instil this type of Fear and Hate know they can't break our hearts, they can't scare us into our homes and out of our prayers. Let's unlock and step out our front doors this morning, vow to walk our streets united with heads held high, and be grateful for another day with each other. Send those smoke signals of strength and love, be strong for Paris right now. Come out and defend. That is how we can all help. Right. Now. #prayforparis #peaceforparis

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